Tag Archive: Insights Insights Discovery Insights Colours Colour Energies Personal Effectiveness

  1. Part Four: Embracing the Clash! The Benefits of Working with Your Opposite Discovery Type and How to Do It

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    Discover the Power of Insights

    Let’s face it, working with someone who has an opposite personality type can be challenging.  It can in fact be infuriating or, as a recent attendee at one of our Insights Discovery workshops put it, even terrifying! However, it can also be incredibly beneficial if we just approach it correctly.

    Welcome to part four in our Insights Discovery series where we look at how to use Discovery to build self-awareness; increase our understanding of others and develop the skills to adapt our interactions for greater success.  This week we are looking at working with our opposite type;  why it can be both challenging and rewarding and how it can unlock a range of benefits you might not have considered!

    As we saw in part one of this series, the four colour energies (Red, Yellow, Green and Blue) have very different behavioural preferences.  These differences are most apparent when comparing opposite colour types (Fiery Red v Earth Green and Sunshine Yellow v Cool Blue). The more different the preferences, the greater the potential for friction.

    If we’re honest, in the workplace these might be people we gravitate away from rather than towards. But the truth is, if we can understand, value and embrace (not literally) our opposite type, the benefits can be huge.

    I’ve worked with many teams over the years that have faced exactly this challenge. Frictions within the team that lead to a lack of cohesion and collaboration or in worst cases, confrontation and resignations. However, with a little training, I have seen those same teams change their perspective and seek to understand their opposite type; value their differences and most importantly, leverage them for greater success.

    Actively engaging with our opposite colour energy (and encouraging your teams to do the same), has a range of benefits:

    • Balanced Decision-Making: Opposite types bring complementary strengths to the table. For example, a Fiery Red (decisive, action-oriented) working with an Earth Green (measured, empathetic) can result in decisions that are both bold and well-considered.
    • Enhanced Creativity: Diverse viewpoints stimulate creative thinking. Sunshine Yellow (enthusiastic, creative) combined with Cool Blue (realistic, analytical) can generate innovative ideas that are seamlessly executed.
    • Higher Performance: As the mantra goes, ‘play to your strengths, outsource your weaknesses’. Aligning the colours to what they do best can significantly improve team performance and success. Fiery Red goal-setting matched with Sunshine Yellow innovation, further coupled with the collaboration skills of the Earth Green and the planning-prowess of the Cool Blue can be quite the winning formula.
    • Personal Growth: Engaging with someone different from yourself requires self-awareness, understanding and adaptability. It challenges you to step out of your comfort zone and develop new skills. The more we do this, the broader our comfort zone becomes!

    Here are some essential ingredients for success:

    Self-awareness is the starting point: As we saw in part two of this series, our weaknesses tend to stem from our strengths overplayed. Being aware of this ‘tipping point’ and able to control it means we are more likely to add value to any given interaction than derail it.

    Recognise and respect differences: Acknowledge the value that your opposite type brings. Understand their strengths and how they complement your own. Respect their approach even if it differs from yours.

    Effective Communication: Adapt your communication style to bridge the gap (see article one in this series). For instance, when a Cool Blue interacts with a Fiery Red, they should aim to be concise and action-oriented, while the Fiery Red should appreciate the need for thoroughness and detail.

    Play to strengths: As highlighted above, allowing the colours to apply their natural talents where they have the greatest impact will make any project less arduous, shorten the timeframe for delivery and yield better results.

    Seek Common Ground: Focus on shared goals and objectives. This common ground can help smooth over differences and keep the team aligned.

    Yes! And here’s a genuine example from a recent Insights Discovery workshop we delivered for a creative agency.

    Kath, a Sunshine Yellow company director, had been planning to introduce a client engagement survey for her business to support client retention and growth.

    During the Insights Discovery workshop, Kath realised the reason she hadn’t progressed the project was partly down to the inevitable planning, design and logistical elements involved (not Kath’s forte by her own admission) and partly because she traditionally found working with someone who would bring these skills to the mix, quite challenging.

    Both reasons meant Kath hadn’t moved the project forward and as a result was missing out on the benefits the survey would deliver.

    So the following week, Kath engaged Tom, a fellow Director with dominant Cool Blue energy.

    Kath introduced Tom to the Discovery model to show why their respective strengths would make them a good team. Tom’s planning, analytical and design skills together with his methodical approach blended with Kath’s passion for innovation, communication and client engagement.

    Importantly, they also used the Discovery model to understand how to adapt to each other’s working styles. Kath recognised that Tom would require a clear set of S.M.A.R.T. objectives for the programme; a timeline to launch; milestones to reach along the way; diarised meetings and autonomy to select the best platform for the survey.

    Likewise, Tom recognised the need for Kath to work collaboratively; brainstorm ideas; make the odd change along the way and receive ‘headline updates’ rather than detailed reports.

    One month later the system had been launched, results returned and a series of corresponding initiatives introduced to act on the findings!

    Working with your opposite type can be challenging but also incredibly rewarding. By recognising and valuing differences, communicating effectively and leveraging each other’s strengths, you might just be able to unlock some dynamic and productive partnerships within your team!

    If you’d like to know more, visit our dedicated Insights Discovery web page

  2. Part Three: Sell Differently to Sell More…

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    Discover the Power of Insights

    Although most of us are not trained sales people, many of us have to sell.  It might be formal new business pitching or perhaps the more organic ‘up-sell’ of products or services to existing clients.  Either way, the process can be time intensive and the results, unpredictable.

    But what if you could increase your success rate for little or no extra effort?

    Welcome to episode three in our Insights Discovery series where we look at how to use the Insights Discovery methodology to achieve success in the workplace.  This week, we focus on selling and how adjusting our approach to meet buyer preferences can significantly increase our chances of winning business.

    The fact is, most of us have a particular ‘selling style’.  Unsurprisingly, this is directly linked to our preferred ‘buying style’.

    For example, when selling or buying, someone with lots of Cool Blue energy will likely have undertaken thorough research and follow a methodical process.  They will also probably request proof of value or go to great lengths to demonstrate their competence and have a detailed set of questions at the ready.

    These traits are important because they go a long way to establishing the trust and confidence required for Cool Blue energy to feel comfortable making a high value purchase.

    All good so far…  Except, what if that same Cool Blue energy is selling to a buyer with high levels of Sunshine Yellow energy?  The result is likely to be quite different. This is because the Sunshine Yellow buyer looks for a different set of traits to establish the same level of trust and confidence when buying.

    For them, an element of ‘chemistry’ with the seller will be important.  In addition, good story-telling around previous successes; connecting the purchase with recognition for them and a simplified, painless procurement process are likely to help you clinch the deal.  Different indeed to our Cool Blue buyer.

    Now imagine how much more successful we could be if we match our selling style to the buyer’s preferences each time rather than simply selling in our own style!

    Step One: Identify the buyer’s preferences.
    This is done right from the start of the relationship by listening and observing.  From the outset, the buyer will give clues to their dominant colour energies.  The graphic below matches the four Discovery colours with their typical buying preferences.

    Step Two: Adapt your selling approach to reflect buyer preferences.
    Simple but effective adjustments help you connect with the buyer; put them at ease and make them more likely to buy from you.  The graphic below provides tips on how to adjust your sales approach for each colour energy:

    As the saying goes, the best way to learn is to do.  Over the coming weeks, follow this two-step process with a range of new and organic sales opportunities.  Don’t forget to consider the top two colour energies in play for each buyer and select prompts from the corresponding lists.

    Keep a record of the results and compare them to your previous win-rate over the same period.  I’m confident you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

    Of course, there are multiple factors at play when selling. However, adapting your selling style to match the preferences of the buyer will make you more successful, more often.  Now that’s a compelling sales pitch!

    If you’d like to know more, click on the link below to visit our dedicated Insights Discovery web page

  3. Part Two: Weakness Can Be Our Strength Overplayed

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    Discover the Power of Insights

    Have you ever experienced the manager who is lightning fast at decision-making but sometimes fails to collaborate and take others with them on the journey?  Or perhaps the colleague with exceptional powers of empathy and collaboration, who may struggle to make a decision at all? 

    We all know it’s important to recognise and use our strengths in order to succeed. However, overplaying our strengths can be counterproductive and actually make us less effective.  This is something that can be easy to see in others but not so easy to see (and manage) in ourselves. 

    Welcome to part two in our Insights Discovery Series where we look at how to use Insights Discovery  to build self-awareness; increase our understanding of others and develop the skills to adapt our interactions for greater success. This week we are looking at the vital link between our strengths and weaknesses and how to avoid one becoming the other!

    Understanding the relationship between our strengths and weaknesses AND developing the skills to avoid one overplaying into the other is key to personal effectiveness, no matter what your role. 

    The starting point is self-awareness, quickly followed by self-control. Coincidently, these are the first two ingredients of emotional intelligence (EQ). Let me explain…

    We can use the Insights Discovery colour model to better understand our likely strengths and possible weaknesses based on our preferred mix of the colour energies as shown below: 

    Insights Colour charts - Strengths and weaknesses

    The key here is to notice the relationship between the strengths and the weaknesses of each colour. The weaknesses all tend to relate to the strengths being overplayed!

    • Fiery Red confidence may be seen as arrogance. 
    • Sunshine Yellow flexibility may lack discipline and focus. 
    • Earth Green democracy may result in indecision. 
    • Cool Blue analysis may turn to action paralysis. 

    So there is a virtual ‘tipping point’ in any given situation and/or interaction where our strengths may overplay and start to work against us. This self and situational awareness is an important first step in managing our strength/weakness relationship.

    If you already have a Discovery Profile, you can review the page highlighting your possible weaknesses and see if you can recognise when they occur, why and what the implications might be. 

    If you don’t have a profile, you can easily do the same exercise using the graphic above. Just pick one or two weaknesses that resonate under your dominant colour energies and do the same exercise. (You can of course also use team/colleague feedback to further inform this exercise!). 

    OK, I recognise where my strengths might become weaknesses in certain situations, what can I do about it?

    Now we have the self-awareness element covered, we need to deal with step two. Self-control

    Unchecked, we tend to be at the mercy of our behavioural preferences.  Our emotions and preferences control us, as opposed to us controlling them.  Sometimes this is fine.  Other times it works to our detriment.  Either way, what will be, will be… 

    To take our personal effectiveness to the next level, we need to be able to control (rather than be controlled by) our behavioural preferences.  However, adapting behaviours can be tricky so here are a few tips for success:

    1. Identify the trigger or scenario where you are most likely to overplay a given strength. (This helps you to be ready!). 
    2. Identify one alternative behaviour that will stop the ‘overplay’ scenario happening   and consciously work on that until it becomes comfortable. 
    3. After applying the alternative behaviour, reflect on the outcome. Ask yourself, ‘what did I do differently?’.  ‘Was it effective?’.  ‘How can I do it better next time?’. 
    4. For further guidance, ask for feedback from others. After all, they are your target audience!
    • My dominant energy is Earth Green. 
    • One of my strengths is listening. 
    • When I ‘over-listen’, I can fail to contribute, be ‘crowded out’ by louder personalities or even be seen as passive.
    • To counter this, I actively push myself to share a thought, an idea, a question or a comment as early as possible in any situation where I might ‘over-listen’.  Interestingly,  once I’ve contributed, I tend to keep contributing (within reason of course but you know what I mean). 

    ☑️ Recognising when this is happening is the starting point (self-awareness).

    ☑️ Adopting simple strategies to ‘counter the overplay’ is the key to success (self-control).

    ☑️ Practise makes perfect – behavioural change takes time but the rewards are great.

    If you’d like to know more, click on the link below to visit our dedicated Insights Discovery web page

  4. Introducing our new Insights Discovery series

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    Discover the Power of Insights

    Have you ever wanted to understand why you find it easier to connect with some people more than others?  Or how to work effectively with that challenging colleague? Or perhaps you’d like to build stronger client relationships that lead to more business?  If so, then our new Insights Discovery Series could be just what you’re looking for! 

    A bi-weekly series of five-minute reads using the Insights Discovery four-colour model to help you increase self-awareness; deepen your understanding of others and learn how to adapt your interactions to get the results you’re after. 

    Having delivered hundreds of Insights Discovery workshops over the last 15 years, we’ve seen the incredible impact this development tool has on personal effectiveness and success in the workplace. 

    For those familiar with Insights Discovery, the series continues your learning journey through practical tips, guides and case scenarios. 

    For those new to Insights Discovery, it’s a perfect introduction to the model and how it can help you achieve greater success through your interactions. 

    For everyone, it’s a chance to learn; be part of our Insights Discovery community; share ideas and experiences and steer the future direction of the series through topic requests. 

    In this first post, we’ll introduce the Insights Discovery model, how to use it and some immediate tips for application. 

    Surrounded by Idiots!

    If you’ve spent any time browsing in WH Smith over the past few years, you’ll have seen the book of the same name. Written by Thomas Erikson, it uses the Insights Discovery colour model to understand the four types of human behaviour and how best to interact with them.  The book permanently resides in the best seller list and for good reason!  It’s because, while we all share many similarities, when it comes to our interactions and behavioural preferences, we are very different. 

    Some situations and interactions we find easy.  Others can be challenging,  infuriating and even terrifying!  But why?  And what if we could crack the code to better understand and manage our own behavioural preferences; to recognise those of others and to adapt our interactions at will, to achieve the best outcomes?  Well, that’s where Insights Discovery comes in. 

    What is Insights Discovery?

    Insights Discovery is a powerful development tool based on the psychology of Carl Jung. It uses colour as a common language to build self-awareness; gain an understanding of others and adapt our interactions for success in the workplace.

    Discovery colour wheel

    We all have a unique blend of these four colour energies (Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool Blue).  It’s likely we will have one or two energies in dominance and these will have the greatest bearing on our behavioural preferences. The remaining colour energies will be less prevalent and therefore less influential. Recognising your possible weaknesses

    Our unique colour blend informs who we are, how we behave, our likely strengths and weaknesses and so on.  See this as your starting point. Your ‘natural self’ at your most comfortable. While you can flex, this will be you around 95% of the time. 

    OK that’s me, what about everyone else?

    While we mustn’t make assumptions, we can usually recognise the dominant colour energies in people we work with. 

    For example, someone with a real eye for detail, a calm demeanour and an analytical approach to things might well have Cool Blue energy in dominance. By contrast, someone who is gregarious, talkative and dynamic by nature, might well lead with Sunshine Yellow energy. 

    It’s a good idea not to think ourselves or others as a single colour energy, but rather a blend of colours with a focus on the top two most visible energies.

    So how can we better connect?

    Naturally, we all tend to interact with others in the style we like to be interacted with. This can work well sometimes but certainly not all the time.  In fact, more often than not, subtle changes in our style can yield far better outcomes. 

    Let me give you an example.  Two people with a lot of Earth Green energy will favour a similar interaction style.  This will likely be centred around listening, mutual respect, empathy, steady pace and a supportive nature.  To put it another way, they are ‘speaking the same language’. 

    However, speaking this language when interacting with the opposite colour type, the Fiery Red in this case, is less effective.  They will favour a more assertive, opinionated, fast-paced and independent style of interaction.

    The key to successful interactions is the ability to move beyond our own preferred style (or language) when connecting with different colour energies.  Adopting some of the preferred traits of the person you are communicating with does three things.  1. It puts them at ease.  2. It makes it easier for you to engage and influence them. 3. It increases your chances of a successful outcome.  To conclude the analogy, by speaking their language, you can better connect, build stronger relationships and gain greater success.  A genuine win/win! 

    Tips for adapting to each colour energy.

    The graphic below shows six top tips for connecting with each colour energy:

    We don’t have to adopt all of these tips all of the time. It’s about selecting the right ones at the right time to get the outcomes you are after. 

    1. Select an individual you find quite challenging to interact with. 
    2. Identify their likely dominant energy(ies). 
    3. Select one or two of the corresponding tips provided in the graphic and apply them in your next series of interactions with that person. 
    4. After each interaction, reflect on what you did differently and what the results were. 

    While adapting isn’t easy, particularly to your least dominant colour energy, with practise you can become quite fluent, quite quickly. And I guarantee you’ll see the benefits by way of successful outcomes. 

    Later in the series we’ll be looking at more specific applications such as selling to the different colour energies and their preferred management styles. 

    For now, I hope you’ve enjoyed this introduction to Insights Discovery and if you’d like to know more, click on the link below to visit our dedicated Insights Discovery web page.