Insights Discovery Training Workshops – An Overview
The nature of Insights Discovery means that our training workshops are very practical, and interactive and can be tailored to a vast array of different needs and objectives. Good questions to consider when planning your Insights Discovery training include:
Our Licensed Discovery Practitioners are skilled in helping you with this important stage to ensure that any subsequent delivery is the right fit for you.
Typical half-day Insights Discovery training includes:
A review of your objectives.
What is Insights Discovery and how can it help?
Why and how we see the world differently.
An introduction to the Discovery Colour Model.
Understand Self (includes your unique Discovery Profile)
Understand Others (includes your team wheel)
How to adapt and connect for successful interactions
Application of Discovery to your specific needs and goals
Review, Q&A and Next Steps
Top Tips for using Insights Discovery
Remember, we are not just one colour, we are a unique blend of all four colour energies. Our potential lies in how we choose to use them.
No colour is better or worse than any other. Each colour energy has perceived strengths and possible weaknesses.
Discovery doesn’t require us to change. It simply gives us the tools to develop and adapt when and if we want to.
Discovery Profiles are designed to be a thought provoking reflection of ourselves. Don’t get hung up if you disagree with certain elements. Testing these areas with people who know you well can help us understand what truth there may or may not be in every observation.
Discovery is a behavioural model that looks at preference, not capability. It is not a measure of skill, intelligence or likely achievement.
Discovery is often part of the solution but not the whole solution. There are so many factors that affect how we as humans function and perform. Always be willing to look beyond Discovery at what others factors might be in play in any given situation.