In our experience, many agencies pay lip service to client satisfaction. They judge it on ‘gut feel’ or through on-line surveys which provide an average score without really identifying areas of weakness or threat.
We help to answer the above questions through independent telephone surveys that enable you to:
And on occasions, we’ve helped to save relationships almost at the point of no return; sometimes the chance to vent a frustration is easier with an independent person than with the supplier.
Carried out by ex-journalists, the interviews are based on an agreed set of questions but are conducted free-form so that we can really understand the state of the relationship.
Interviews typically take 15 to 20 minutes and are followed by a 3 to 4-page report, recording the highlights.
So, here’s that question again. Do you really, really know what your clients are thinking? If you’re not sure, then let us find out for you.